5 warning signs you need a professional tree removal service

5 warning signs you need a professional tree removal service

Call a Tree Care Specialist if you see any of these signs

A tree can be a fantastic natural feature in your backyard. But without proper care, your tree can become unhealthy. When a tree’s health starts to deteriorate it can become a safety hazard. Branches can become weak and fall off. In extreme situations, a tree can completely fall over and cause damage to your property.

To protect your home, it’s best to know when a tree is becoming a safety risk. That’s when tree removals are often recommended. There are many signs you can look out for when it comes to tree safety. Some of these signs show poor tree health. Offers may show signs of a pest infestation. But it’s not all bad news. Identify symptoms early on and you may be able to save your tree.

1. The roots are starting to rot

A poor root system is often one of the biggest signs a plant is dying. Tree roots are essential for a tree to absorb nutrients, grow, and maintain health. Any sign of decay or damage to your tree’s roots could be an indicator that your tree is on its way out. One way to identify if the roots are decaying is by assessing the ground around your tree. Identify if the ground has lifted or if the roots look severed.

Another way to tell if the roots are unhealthy is by looking at how the tree is standing. If your tree has started to lean to one side (especially after a storm) then this could indicate that the roots are weak.

2. Cracks in the trunk

Over time your tree may develop cracks in its trunk. The ones you really need to look out for are those that ap[pear between two opposite branches. Cracks like these can be a sign of serious structural damage. These cracks can show your tree is not strong enough to withstand much pressure from the elements.

One of the biggest risks associated with these cracks is damage from storms. Strong winds and heavy storms can strike your tree throughout the year. Your tree may struggle to withstand the pressure that comes from multiple storms. The result? The tree trunk could snap and fall over, causing damage to your home.

3. Signs of disease

Your tree can look strong and sturdy but it may still be vulnerable to diseases. Another problem with tree diseases is that they can spread. So it’s best to watch out for your tree and the others that surround it. One of the most obvious signs of disease is the condition of your tree’s leaves. Discolouration of tree leaves could be a sign of disease.

If the leaves are deforming this could also be a sign of disease. Over autumn it can be hard to identify whether leaves are falling from disease or just its annual growth phase. A change in pattern in the way leaves regrow in spring could be a sign of disease. Another sign to look out for is how different sections grow. It may just be one area of branches with a disease and therefore has no leaves regrowing on it.

4. Cavities in the trunk

Cavities in the trunk of your tree can make great spaces for local wildlife to rest. It’s not uncommon for possums and birds to make themselves comfortable in these little nooks. But these cavities could also be a sign of danger. If your tree’s trunk is full of holes then it could be an obvious sign the tree doesn’t have a solid structure anymore. So it could collapse at any moment.

Cavities in the trunk of a tree are usually caused by pests. Insects can quickly make a meal out of your tree and make substantial nests in the trunk. Cavities can also be an obvious sign that your tree is dying. Another obvious sign is the presence of fungi or mushrooms growing on your tree. They usually feed off dead or dying trees.

5. Close to your home and pedestrians

Sometimes a tree’s growing position can be a safety hazard in itself. Think about how close your tree is growing to your house. If it’s too close to your home’s roofline it is most likely shedding leaves onto the roof. A buildup of leaves can block gutters, cause flooding and costly water damage to your roof. Full tree removal may not be necessary. You could just need a few branches removed.

There’s also the risk of falling branches to consider. When heavy branches fall they can cause costly damage to your roof. If your tree currently has branches that are weakened from a storm or even disease, it’s best to get them removed asap. If your tree is situated near a pedestrian walkway then it’s also important to get it looked at. The risk of falling branches can put any pedestrian in immediate danger right outside your home.

Call a qualified tree removal expert now

Does the tree in your backyard show any of these warning signs? Don’t take a risk on the safety of your family and home. A tree removal expert like an Arborist can assess the health of your tree. In some cases your tree may not be a lost cause. Trees can be treated for pests and diseases without the need for tree removal.

A tree inspection is also just a great way to make your home safer for anyone. If your tree is suffering from disease or damage, then a tree removal may be your best option. In comparison, a tree removal can be far less costly than paying for repairs to your home. Here at Daryl’s Tree Care, our qualified tree care experts can carry out a full inspection of your tree. They’ll look for all the signs of an unhealthy tree. They can recommend the best course of action.

Sometimes all that’s required is a tree trimming service. But if the safety risk is too great, we will recommend a full tree removal service. Tree removals are usually done to protect you from falling branches or future tree collapses from storms. Simply call us today on 9897 4418 to book a tree inspection.

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Is Winter the best time of year for tree trimming?

Is Winter the best time of year for tree trimming?

Tree trimming in a cold climate

If you’re an avid gardener you know there’s a perfect time of year for gardening tasks. Different veggies grow in different seasons. Fruit trees provide crops through certain months of the year too. The reason why plants and trees have different maintenance needs comes down to the climate. Each season of the year brings with it a climate that is more suitable for growing certain plants.

Over spring and summer, you may find that the warmer weather sparks rapid growth for a lot of trees and bushes. All the beautiful flower varieties like daisies and sunflowers start to bloom. Over autumn and winter, you’ll see flower varieties like grevillea start to bloom along with veggies like onions, cabbage and turnip.

When it comes to Tree Trimming there is a perfect time of year for it. Winter is one of the best times of year for tree trimming and pruning. The cold winter climate helps make a tree dormant. Its growth virtually comes to a standstill. It’s at this time that you can start getting rid of unwanted branches from your tree.

The benefits of tree trimming in winter

colder climate

As we previously mentioned, a tree basically becomes dormant in winter. Growth almost comes to a complete standstill due to the cold weather. One of the hardest parts of tree trimming is assessing what needs to be done. There’s a thick layer of leaves that’s obstructing your view. By the time winter rolls around your tree has dropped its leaves. You have better visibility of what’s up in the tree canopy. You’ll be able to assess the tree easier and make better decisions about which branches need to be cut.

Fewer pests around

During winter your tree isn’t the only thing that’s dormant. Many of those annoying pests that attack your trees and plants are also nowhere to be found. They are most likely laying dormant or simply haven’t migrated to your backyard yet. With no food in sight, they won’t try attacking your tree when it’s being trimmed. If you trim your tree in Spring or Summer you leave it vulnerable to attack. Open wounds from where the branches used to be are vulnerable to attack from pests over the warmer months.

Less stress on your tree

Another advantage of Tree Trimming in winter is that it doesn’t stimulate new growth. The cold climate will help stop new branches from growing after you’ve removed older ones. Studies have also shown that tree wounds from winter have a better chance of healing when they get exposed to Spring weather. If branches are removed in Spring or Summer the energy required for new growth and wound healing will stress the tree out a lot more. This excess stress is what can lead to the tree becoming susceptible to pests and disease.

Protecting surrounding trees

When you prune a tree over the warmer months you are also endangering other trees around it. Tree diseases are usually spread to other trees with bacteria, fungi, insects, and parasites. Diseases can easily be transferred from pruned branches of your tree. The chances of this happening over spring and summer are very high. During winter you are far less likely to spread any diseases from one tree to another because they can’t survive the cold conditions.

Improved safety

Winter can be a dangerous time to be around dead and dying trees. If your area is prone to wild winds and storms there’s a high chance of branches snapping and breaking off. At the start of winter, it’s a great idea to assess your tree straight away and remove branches that look weak or brittle. Removing these weak branches effectively eliminates any safety hazards. You’ll be removing branches that could be causing damage to your home or surrounding properties.

Book a tree trimming service now before it’s too late

Worried about the health of your trees? It’s better to be safe than sorry. Booking a Tree Trimming service in winter is one of the best ways to help restore the health of your trees. This is also one of the best chances you have to safeguard your home from any potential tree damage that could occur. Call Daryl’s Tree Care today on 9897 4418 for a free quote on Tree Trimming services in your area.

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What’s the difference between tree lopping and tree pruning?

What’s the difference between tree lopping and tree pruning?

Each service provides a different level of care for your tree

For the average Aussie, there can be confusing terms for tree care services. Some of these terms mean the same thing and some mean something completely different. When you’re ordering a tree care service it’s important to know exactly what you’re getting. A good tree care specialist will take the time to assess your tree and recommend the best service for it. They could recommend you a tree lopping or tree pruning service. It all depends on the condition of your tree.

Tree care specialists like Arborists will recommend a service depending on the health of your tree. A tree may be so unhealthy that they may recommend a service to completely remove it from your yard. This is usually the point of no return. This removal option is a last resort when they have identified that the tree has no realistic chance of regaining its health. An unhealthy tree also poses a safety risk. An arborist will recommend a tree removal service to help make your yard and home safe from a tree that could fall down.

So what is tree lopping?

Tree lopping is a dangerous practice because when the tree has new growth these branches are poorly attached to the tree.

As these branches grow bigger and heavier they are more likely to break and fall off. This can eause injury & death or property damage.

After Tree Lopping, your tree may also be vulnerable to diseases and decay. The wounds of the tree are not sealed. When wounds are not sealed with a proper solution they are more vulnerable to pests and other forms of decay.

This is why Daryl’s Tree Care does not recommend tree lopping under any circumstances. Instead, we follow the guidelines set out in the Australian Standards 4373-2007 “Pruning of Amenity Trees”.

Why tree pruning is a healthier and safer alternative

Compared to Tree Lopping, Tree Pruning is a safer option for a number of reasons. Tree Pruning is designed to help a tree fight off diseases and pests. This technique is also undertaken to sustain and even prolong the life of a tree. AS with any other tree care service, Pruning requires the skills and knowledge of a professional.

A professional Arborist will assess your tree’s need for a pruning service based on its health, safety requirements and appearance. If the health of your tree is too poor an Arborist may even recommend removing your tree completely. A Tree Pruning service is what you should rely on if you’re looking to extend the life of your tree. It’s the go-to option for improving the health of your tree. Health benefits of Tree Pruning can include the following:

Encourages fruit productionProvides more aerationTake control of pests and diseasesEnabling more sunlight for photosynthesis

With optimum tree health comes the added benefits of safety. The healthier a tree is, the less chance there is of tree branches becoming weak and falling off. Weak and brittle branches can fall off and cause extensive damage to backyard features including other trees and fences. Large and heavy branches can also fall off and at the very least, cause costly damage to your home or neighbouring properties.

Choosing the right tree pruning service

With so many professional tree care services out there it’s hard to know which one to pick. You can go off local recommendations and customer reviews. But sometimes you don’t always have that option. One way to pick a professional tree care service is to assess their credentials. Your arborist should be certified along with having insurance such as work cover and public liability.

Qualified arborists will follow the guidelines in Australian Standards 4373-2007 “Pruning of Amenity Trees”. There are many techniques involved with Tree Pruning and your Arborist should be well versed in all of them to provide an extensive service for you. These techniques include canopy thinning, crown reduction, dead-wooding, weight reduction and crown lifting.

Start taking better care of your trees today

Here at Daryl’s Tree Care, we offer a wide range of tree care services for all your needs. We understand how the health of your tree can affect your entire backyard. Our Tree Pruning Service can take care of all your concerns when it comes to the health and safety of your tree. All of our Arborists are certified,(or near) experienced and fully insured for the tasks they perform. Call us today on 9897 4418 or send an enquiry via our contact page to get a free quote on Tree Pruning in your backyard.

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When is the best time of year for tree trimming and pruning?

When is the best time of year for tree trimming and pruning?

Timing is everything when it comes to keeping your trees healthy

There are many good reasons for tree pruning. When tree pruning is done right it can help maintain the health of your tree for years to come. Pruning and trimming your tree the right way can also help support its structural integrity. With dying branches removed there’s less chance of tree branches falling off the tree and causing damage to your nearby house or fence.

Some homeowners decide tree trimming and pruning is the way to go if they want to improve the look of their home. Removing dead branches can help give a tree a more unified and neater shape. Trimming off excess branches can also help reduce the number of leaves in a tree canopy. When you open up a tree canopy, it lets more sunshine and airflow into your backyard.

Another great reason for tree pruning is to stimulate new growth. Depending on the age and species of your tree, pruning branches can help stimulate new growth in areas of the tree that previously weren’t thriving. Take a strategic approach to tree pruning and you can even train your tree to grow in a new direction. You could train the tree to grow away from a section of your backyard where it’s causing issues.

Here at Daryl’s Tree Care, we get a lot of customers asking us when is the right time of year for tree trimming and pruning. When you know the right time of year for tree pruning and trimming it becomes a lot easier to plan it around other gardening activities. Knowing the right time in advance also helps a lot of people budget for the cost of tree pruning and trimming.

For some tree owners, the task of tree pruning and trimming is relatively small when there’s only one tree to take care of. When there are several trees in a backyard, the task can become very time-consuming. It’s one of the reasons why many locals choose us for a professional tree pruning and trimming service.

Our Aussie backyards may be full of tree species from around the world. But one thing they all have in common is when they need to be pruned and trimmed around the same time of year. As tree care experts we recommend that all your tree trimming and pruning should take place between winter and early spring.

Why are winter and spring a good time for tree pruning?

Is your tree a deciduous tree? If so that means it loses its leaves in autumn and stays dormant in winter. One thing that happens in winter is that the tree doesn’t ooze out sap when it’s branches are cut. Sap usually attracts many forms of insects and pests which can start feeding on your tree. So when you choose to prune your tree in winter, you’re not leaving it vulnerable to attack from pests like you would in summer.

During winter your trees are also in a dormant state. They are not investing their energy into new growth. So during this period, they can focus all their energy on healing any cuts made from tree trimming and pruning. In winter your trees are also better prepared for protecting themselves from germs and pathogens in the environment around them.

Another reason to prune your trees in winter and early spring is to prepare them for wild stormy weather. In Melbourne, we’re used to strong winds gusting down onto our backyards. These winds are so strong that they can cause branches to snap and fall off trees. So overgrown branches and rotting branches can become a serious threat to safety.

Strong winds pose a real safety threat because they can cause branches to fall off and damage your home. That’s why we recommend that you remove overgrown or dead branches before they become a potential hazard in spring when the windy weather picks up. When you weigh up the cost of tree pruning and trimming with hefty repairs to your home it’s clear why more people choose to maintain their trees properly.

Prune your trees before it’s too late

Worried about the condition of your tree? You should get it looked at by a qualified arborist straight away. Arborists specialise in tree care and maintenance. They have the skills and knowledge to assess the health of your tree. They can instantly recognise if your tree is dying and figure out what tree trimming and pruning is required to keep it healthy.

While winter to early spring is the best time for tree pruning, sometimes there is a greater sense of urgency. If a tree is deemed to be unsafe by your arborist then it should be pruned and trimmed straight away. Weak or dead branches that pose a threat must be removed as soon as possible. If your tree is infested with pests then that’s another sign it needs urgent attention. Pest can end up spreading to other healthier trees in your backyard and cause further damage.

Call your local tree pruning and trimming experts today

To help you make the right decision about your trees, speak to a tree expert today. Here at Daryl’s tree care and surgery, we have professional arborists who can inspect and recommend the right service for your tree.

We offer many tree care services including tree pruning, trimming, pest control, and cable bracing. After an initial assessment, we can recommend how often your trees need to be trimmed and pruned. With a maintenance schedule in place, you can leave the rest to us.

Call us today on 9897 4418 to get a quote on any of our tree care services.

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What’s the difference between stump grinding and stump removal?

What’s the difference between stump grinding and stump removal?

Discover which tree removal option is suitable for your tree.

When it’s time to remove a tree from your home there are a few crucial steps you need to take. The tree should be inspected and removed by a professional. Arborists specialise in the maintenance and removal of trees. They understand how a tree grows along with the most effective way to remove them.

What’s also important is safety. When a tree is removed correctly it needs to be done with the right safety practices to ensure no one is at risk of harm. When a tree is not removed correctly there can be a risk of injury. This often occurs when people use the wrong tools or misuse equipment.

Another factor to consider is the potential damage to your property. Your tree may be close to an easement, water pipes, or electrical wires. You could run the risk of damaging these property features if you don’t check the ground near your tree. After most of the tree has been removed from the ground up, it’s important to focus on the tree stump.

A professional Arborist will use a number of tools and equipment to safely remove a tree stump. Depending on the type of tree and its size there are a number of ways that a tree stump can be removed. The two most common methods are stump grinding and stump removal.

Why does a tree stump need to be removed?

A tree stump that gets left behind can cause a number of issues in your backyard. It won’t just take up space and create an eyesore. Stumps that get left behind will decay over time. As the roots start to rot they become a breeding ground for fungus and pests like termites.

The roots will also continue to become an obstacle for any construction or renovations such as installing fencing, concrete or pavers on the ground. It’s obstacles and issues like these which encourage people to book a tree stump removal service.

Stump grinding

Using specialist machinery, a professional Arborist will grind down whatever is left of the tree stump. The stump can be reduced down to ground level or up to 12 inches below so it can be well hidden. This process allows you to re-turf or build over the site. Another great outcome is that the portion of the stump removed is reduced to mulch which can be recycled for gardening.

After the process of stump grinding, you will still have the tree’s root system in the ground. So unfortunately, the roots will still be in the way if you ever want to dig underground and install something new such as a decking post.

Stump removal

Compared to grinding, stump removal is far more complex. It involves the process of removing the entire stump from the ground. This process includes removing the root system. Stump removal is commonly chosen by an Arborist when they have assessed the roots pose an issue to your garden.

In some cases, tree roots may become infected, spreading fungus and attracting pests to your garden. Even after the majority of the tree has been removed, it’s still possible that it can grow back from the stump. It’s just another reason why some Arborists recommend a complete stump removal. This process eliminates the possibility of the tree ever growing back.

Which one is the best choice for me?

The choice between stump grinding and stump removal really comes down to what you’re planning on doing with your backyard. Some people remove a tree for aesthetics. They want it out of the way so it doesn’t have a drastic effect on the look of the backyard. Other times someone may choose to remove a tree that poses a threat to safety.

If a tree collapses, it can cause costly damage to your property. Another reason to remove a tree may be to eliminate the threat of pests. In some cases, a tree can become home to invasive insects like termites or elm leaf beetles that could migrate to other trees or your property to cause more damage.

A professional Arborist can assess the health of your tree and let you know whether a stump removal or stump grinding service is more suitable for your tree. At this point, it’s also best to let the Arborists know what your plans are for the area where your tree currently is.

Get professional advice from Daryl’s Tree Care

Here at Daryl’s Tree Care and Surgery, we have a team of dedicated and professional Arborists. Our Arborists can come to your property and assess the condition of your tree. They can recommend either a stump grinding or stump removal service based on your needs.

Our team of professionals have the equipment and the expertise to carry out a thorough removal of any tree stump in your backyard. So call us today on 9897 4418 to get your tree assessed and removed professionally.

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5 things to look for when choosing a tree removal service

5 things to look for when choosing a tree removal service

Don’t book a local Tree Removal Service unless they have these credentials

Growing trees is a lovely way to liven up your backyard. It can help clean the air around you and attract local wildlife. But without careful maintenance, your tree can become overgrown and start causing issues. Large roots can lift up pavers and concrete. Excess leaves can clog your gutters and weak branches can fall and cause damage to your house.

You can try cutting down your tree but it takes a lot of tools and knowledge to get it done right. If you’re cutting branches from up high it can be dangerous to reach them. You need the right ladders and safety gear. A safer and more efficient alternative is to book a local Tree Removal service.

A Tree pruning service is used to modify the shape of your tree. With the careful cutting of branches, a tree can be trained to grow in a certain direction. Damaged or dying sections of a tree are usually removed to promote better growth and health. These are the types of services you can expect from a professional Arborist.

Now that you know what a Arborist does, how do you decide which one to choose? One of the first things you need to know is what to look out for in a Arborist service. If you would like to know what they are then read on to find out.


No matter what home service you rely on at home it should always have decent insurance cover. Because no matter how organised or safe a business is, there is always the chance of something going wrong. Insurance will help cover the damage caused by anything that happens to your property during a Tree Removal or Pruning service.

So when you’re checking out the website of a local Arborist, have a look at their credentials. They should be fully insured to carry out work at your property. An Arborist should have public liability insurance, professional indemnity insurance, and work cover.


Looking at reviews is one of the best ways to see how good a local service provider is. Your local Arborist might have the customer testimonials displayed on their own website. There are also many online platforms you can rely on to find reviews of a business such as Google Reviews, Yelp, and productreview.com.au just to name a few.

Finding positive reviews for an Arborist can give you more confidence that you’re making the right decision. Of course one of the best ways to get a review is by word of mouth. Ask someone you know personally as they are far more likely to give you a detailed and honest review.

Full-service options

Be wary of Tree companies that try to cut corners. An obvious sign of this is a service provider that can’t do everything associated with Trees. A good service provider should be able to inspect your tree, provide a free quote, carry out the Tree service and remove any debris that’s left behind.

If a Tree Company can’t offer all the services required for removing a tree then you’ll be forced to contact another service to finish the job. This can end up costing you more money than just getting one service provider to take care of everything.

Focus on safety

Tree Services can involve many elements of danger like working from heights. The risks involved in this profession can put you and the service provider in danger. That’s why it’s so important for a Tree Company to be using all the right safety equipment and practices.

You have every right to ask a Tree Company what safety measures will be in place during the job. This can help you identify how well they have evaluated your property, identified risks, and implemented measures to protect the property and everyone near it.

re they certified?

Asking a Tree Company if they are certified is one of the best ways to check their credentials. You’ll find that many Tree Company are members of industry associations that they can only be a part of after receiving certification.

If your Tree Company is a member then it means they are officially recognised as professionals that meet industry standards and are up to date with current industry knowledge and regulations.

Call Daryl’s Tree Care & Surgery for local Tree Removal

Here at Daryl’s Tree Care, we offer a full range of Tree services. Our certified Arborists know what it takes to look after your tree and provide services such as Tree Removal, pest control, and hazardous tree assessment.

With the right equipment, our Arborists will carry out any Tree service under the safest conditions possible. For your peace of mind, we can provide certificates for public liability, plant and equipment, and work cover insurance. All of our staff are covered by work health and safety plans. Our vehicles and machinery are also covered by individual insurance policies.

So for Tree Services you can rely on, call Darryl’s Tree Care and Surgery on 9897 4418.

The post 5 things to look for when choosing a tree removal service appeared first on Daryl’s Tree Care And Surgery.

7 Signs You Need to Call a Tree Surgeon

7 Signs You Need to Call a Tree Surgeon

7 Signs You Need to Call a Tree Surgeon!


What if it was already too late for your favourite tree?

A good tree surgeon can help you take care of your trees and make sure that your garden looks amazing. Unfortunately, many homeowners do not know they need to call a professional until it is way too late.

To protect your trees, you need to properly understand the warning signs. Keep reading to discover the seven signs that it is time to call a tree surgeon!


1. Dead Branches

If you are wondering whether you need to call a tree surgeon or not, then you are probably driven by a simple question. How, exactly, can you tell if one of your trees is dying?

One of the biggest warning signs of a dying tree is dead branches. A dead or dying branch will typically have a different colour than a healthy tree or branch. And it may have difficulty holding its shape.

If you are still not sure, there is a quick way to check. Pluck a small stick from the tree or a branch and then break it in two. Healthy branches will be hard to break and will have green on the inside.


2. Damage to the Roots

Another major warning sign that a tree is in danger is when there is damage to the roots. While it is true that you cannot see most of a tree’s roots, there are still a few tell-tale surface signs that let you know whether the roots are damaged.

By far, the biggest sign of root damage is when you see wilting on the tree. This is evidence that the tree is not getting enough nutrients to keep it healthy. It means that for some reason, the roots are no longer able to get what they need from the ground.

When you see wilting, it is worth calling a reliable tree surgeon. They can help to inspect for root damage and, if needed, assist with safely removing the tree.


3. Leaning Tree

A leaning tree can be another sign that the tree is dying. However, some degree of lean is perfectly natural. But if a tree is leaning much more than usual, or seems to be leaning more than 15 degrees, then you might have a problem.

Leaning trees are typically another sign of damage to your roots. And, more importantly, a leaning tree may be in danger of falling over and causing serious damage to your home or other property.

At some point, the tree may be damaged beyond repair. Be sure to call a reliable tree surgeon to see if the tree can be salvaged or needs to be removed.


4. Overgrown Branches

Earlier, we discussed how dead branches are a tell-tale sign of a dead or dying tree. Another major sign to watch out for is overgrown branches.

This usually occurs when trees are planted too close to one another. Over time, the branches grow over each other. This can cause friction that leads to rot, and then the rot may place both trees in danger.

Even if the rot does not get these trees, the overgrown branches may start to affect how much water and sunlight the trees get. You are best off at this point calling a tree surgeon and seeing if they can save the trees with professional pruning or take other measures as needed.


5. Few Leaves

Some of the warning signs on this list are milder than others. For example, a tree that seems to be lacking leaves is a major sign that you should take seriously. At the same time, you can usually fix this problem easily enough without losing the entire tree.

At times, a lack of leaves may simply be due to the weather. Changes in temperature or abundant rain may affect how many leaves you see on the tree. Other times, this could be a sign that hidden pests or even diseases are causing damage to your tree.

The season also matters. A lack of leaves is expected around Fall or Winter. But if you are seeing this in Spring or Summer, then the tree is likely experiencing problems and will need to be inspected by a professional tree surgeon.


6. Large Crown

It seems like common sense that you may need to cut a tree down if it gets too big. But do you know how to recognize when the tree has reached such a state?

The most reliable indicator is the size of the tree crown. If you do not already know, the crown is the top part of the tree (counting things like trunk, branches, and leaves).

How can you know if the crown is getting too big? If the tree is starting to block sunlight in areas that it previously had not (such as your garden), then it may be getting a bit too big for your yard. At this point, it is time to call a tree surgeon about pruning options or removal.


7. Roots Affecting Pipes or Home

We previously discussed how damaged roots are a good indicator that you need to call a tree surgeon. But another root issue is more obvious: when roots are digging into your pipes or even into your home!

This is quite natural. In its quest to seek out nutrients, the tree has sent its roots into your pipes and your home.

The good news is that you can deal with these roots without killing the tree. But it is going to take a skilled tree surgeon to preserve the tree and also keep your home safe.


Calling a Tree Surgeon: What’s Next?

Now you know the different warning signs to call a tree surgeon. But do you know which surgeon you can rely on?

We specialize in tree surgery as well as pruning, felling, planting, and so much more. To see what we can do for you and your trees, contact us today!


Article was written by Conner D.

Article Source: https://www.graftingardeners.co.uk/call-a-tree-surgeon/

The Best Tree for Your Garden and Climate

The Best Tree for Your Garden and Climate

The Best Tree for Your Garden and Climate!


Did you know there are around 70 different species of trees found in the UK?

Trees are not only beautiful, but they provide height, shade, and structure to any garden or garden. They also offer shelter to wildlife and contribute to healthier, cleaner air.

Still, this does not mean that every tree is automatically suitable for your property. Before you can choose the best tree for your garden, there are a few practical considerations to review first.

How much space do you have for your tree? How can you choose a tree that is visually interesting throughout the year? And how can you select trees that will be helpful to the local environment?

In this post, we will consider some of the best small trees for gardens, as well as some of the best fast-growing trees. Let us get started!


The Best Trees for Your Garden: 7 Ideas to Consider

The UK’s record-setting 44-meter beech tree may look splendid in Newtimber Hill, but it is unlikely to fit in your backyard. To help you find a more appropriately sized tree, consider one of the following species.


1. Dogwood (Cornus Florida)

If you want a compact tree that displays dazzling seasonal colours, look no further than the dogwood. These beauties put out pink or white bracts each spring, followed by bright orange and red during the autumn.

Dogwoods are perfect for small gardens or gardens since many species max out around 3m in height. Set up a few patio chairs beneath the branches to enjoy semi-shade during the summer months.


2. Weeping Willow (Salix Babylonica)

It is hard to beat the natural beauty of the delicate weeping willow tree. Their signature low branches create lovely canopies that offer lots of shade year-round.

Weeping willows do well in wet locales, which is why you will often see them beside lakes or riverbanks. They grow quickly — anywhere from 1-2.5m per year — and max out around 15m tall.

There are other varieties to consider too, including the twisted willow, goat willow, or cricket bat willow.


3. Alder (Alnus Glutinosa

Would you like to plant a native, eco-friendly tree that will attract plenty of birds and insects? Alders are among the most popular tree species for gardens and gardens, and for a good reason.

The Alder tree features clusters of cone-like fruits during the winter and yellow catkins in the springtime. These offer an early source of nectar and pollen for bees, while many species of birds feed on the seeds.

Alders grow fairly quickly and reach a height between 18-25m when mature. They favour moist conditions, making them ideal for London gardens and gardens.


4. Blackthorn (Prunus Spinosa)

If you have ever sipped on sloe gin, you are drinking the fruits of the blackthorn tree. This thorny tree provides visual interest throughout the year and is ideal for informal hedging.

In the early spring, you will enjoy the blackthorn’s white flowers. Later in the summer, the purplish “sloes” (fruit) begin to appear. Wait until after the first frost to pick them and then make your own sloe gin at home.

Blackthorn thrives in direct sunlight and will reach a height of 6-7m. Expect to see plenty of bees, caterpillars, magpies, and other animals feeding and nesting amongst the branches.


5. Crab Apple (Malus Sylvestris)

Crab apple trees have an interesting history that experts still cannot pinpoint. It is the wild ancestor of cultivated apple trees and has long been associated with fertility and love.

One thing everyone can agree on, however, is their beauty — especially during the springtime. Crab apple trees put out stunning pink and white blossoms each spring. Birds and small mammals (such as badgers) love the fruit, while bees are drawn to the nectar and pollen.

Crab apples usually grow to a height of 7-9m, although they can be kept smaller with proper pruning.

6. Silver Birch (Betula Pendula)

There is a seemingly endless variety of birch trees to choose from, but the silver birch may be the best tree for your garden. Their distinctive silver-white bark is impossible to miss, as are its dainty, triangular-shaped leaves.

The silver birch is especially beautiful in the autumn months when the leaves turn a bright gold colour. Small birds love the birch tree for its seed and the various insects it hosts.

Expect your silver birch tree to reach a height of 15-20m when fully mature. It thrives in acidic or sandy soils, although it can tolerate moist conditions as well.


7. Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum)

Although not native to the UK, it is hard to argue the striking beauty of the Japanese maple tree. They are slow-growing and graceful, with translucent leaves that shimmer in the sunlight.

Most varieties feature a spectacular array of colours during the year, with rich reds, oranges, and purples common during the autumn. They thrive in the shade and grow well with ferns and other moisture-loving plants.

Japanese maples vary greatly in size, depending on the exact species. Dwarf maples are smaller than 1m in height, while larger varieties may reach 10m or more. If you have your heart set on a Japanese maple, you can find a varietal that will fit nicely in your garden.


Which Is the Best Tree for Your Garden?

The type of tree you plant in your garden is a big decision. After all, with proper maintenance and care, the tree will be there for many decades to come!

So then, which of the species listed above is the best tree for your garden? Use these suggestions to help you choose a tree that will complement your home and help the environment at the same time.

Now that you know the best trees for your front garden, the only thing left to do is plant them. You might be tempted to DIY, but this is a job best left to the pros.

Grafting Gardeners provides tree planting services for properties across London and Surrey. Find out more here or give us a call at 0208 123 7653 to ask us a question.


Article was written by Conner D.

Article Source: https://www.graftingardeners.co.uk/the-best-tree/

When Is the Right Time to Remove A Tree?

When Is the Right Time to Remove A Tree?

When Is the Right Time to Remove A Tree?


What if you had a ticking time bomb in your garden?

That is what it can feel like when deciding to remove a tree. Few homeowners know the right time to remove potentially dangerous or unwanted trees. if you wait too long, or go about removing it the wrong way, you can cause some serious damage.

So, when is the right time to remove a tree, and what is the safest way to do so?

Continue reading to discover the answers!


Threats: When to Remove a Tree Right Away

Many different factors determine when you should remove a tree. But it is arguably most important to know when you must remove unwanted trees ASAP.

Generally speaking, you should have trees removed right away if you can see that it has any upheaving roots. It is always important to remove trees that are leaning because if they should fall, this may pose a significant risk to your home.

And even if it does not look like it could hit your home, beware of trees that might pose a risk to other structures (like storage sheds or even your neighbour’s home). If the tree looks like a threat, it must be removed right away.


Remove a Tree That is Infected

We have established that you need to remove trees right away that pose a real threat. But that threat is not always as obvious as a leaning tree. Sometimes, the threat comes in the form of infection.

If you notice that a tree has some kind of infection or disease, it is important to remove it right away. Why? Because left unchecked, the afflicted tree might spread infection or disease to other trees.

The trick is to recognize these infections and diseases before it is too late. If you cannot spot something like oak wilt or emerald ash borer, then the damage may be done before you realize the tree needs to be removed.


The Best Season to Remove a Tree

We have covered the situations where you need to have a tree removed ASAP. But if the tree you want to remove isn’t diseased, infected, or posing a risk to a building, then when do you need to take it down?

If you do not mind waiting, it is generally best to remove trees during a dormant season. This is the period between late winter and early spring, and it is easier to remove trees during this time.

Why? At this point, the tree will have shed its leaves and will be much lighter and easier to move. We still recommend that you hire a professional (more on this in a bit) but removing trees during the dormant season makes the whole process easier and more efficient.


Busting a Seasonal Myth

Some homeowners are shy about hiring tree surgeons or other professionals because they want to save a bit of money. And that brings us to another major question: is there a time of year that it is always cheaper to have trees removed?

Despite popular belief, the honest answer to this question is “not really.” Typically, professionals charge you based on many factors that have little to do with the season or time of year. This includes things like the type of tree, the size of the tree, and the tree’s location.

If I wait until the dormant season will it speed up the process? Probably. But it is not necessarily going to be much (if at all) cheaper to remove a tree during winter than during summer.


lternatives to Removing a Tree

If you are reading this, then you have got removing a tree on your mind. But it is important to figure out whether you need to remove the entire tree or simply prune it.

For example, you may want to remove a tree because unwanted branches are now hanging down and scraping your car in the driveway. But professional pruning can take care of the tree branch while still leaving the tree standing.

It is possible to do some light pruning work on your own. However, aggressive pruning can cause damage to the tree. For best results, we recommend hiring a professional tree surgeon.

You can have a tree pruned most times during the year. But you should try to avoid any pruning of a tree right after its spring growth period because this causes stress and damage to the tree.


Truly Delicate Work

When we talk about pruning a tree, you might think that this is easy and simple work. However, the entire process is more complex and more delicate than you might have previously imagined.

First, you need to have the right tools. Many homeowners do not already own proper tree-pruning tools. And if you use the wrong tools, you might end up damaging the tree.

Second, you need to understand the important differences between the trees. Some types of trees (like conifers) will need almost no pruning while others will need constant care throughout the year.

Finally, you need to understand the way different trees react to pruning and the risks this may pose. Some trees bleed sap during pruning, and this poses a potential risk of infection to the pruner as well as the tree.


Why Hire a Tree Surgeon?

We have mentioned the need to hire tree surgeons for things like pruning and tree removal. But what is it that makes hiring a tree surgeon worth it?

Such surgeons already have all of the tools and equipment they will need. By hiring their services, you save money on buying many tools of your own. And you do not have to worry about storing those tools all year round.

Tree surgeons also have the experience to do the job quickly and efficiently. And they know enough about local laws and ordinances to remove your tree in a way that does not put anyone in legal danger.

Finally, tree surgeons understand tree health. They know how to prune trees without harming them and how to remove diseased trees without endangering other trees.


Your Next Move

Now you know when to remove a tree. But do you know who can help you do it?

We specialize in tree pruning, tree removal, tree lighting, and so much more. To see what we can do about your trees, come request a free quote today!


Article was written by Conner D.

Article Source: https://www.graftingardeners.co.uk/remove-a-tree/

Tree Surgery Waste & Its Use for Biomass Fuel

Tree Surgery Waste & Its Use for Biomass Fuel

Tree Surgery Waste & Its Use for Biomass Fuel


We are living in an ever-changing environment – even if the change is slow. There are various reasons behind the changes – both man-made and natural – and these are making changes that are hard for the environment to deal with.

The major issues are pollution and climate change. While many (including scientists) cannot agree with the reasons behind climate change, it is evident that we are facing a huge global challenge.


What Is Tree Surgery Waste?

Tree work waste generally belongs to one of three categories:

TimberWood chipNon-chippable waste (e.g., minor pruning, hedge trimmings, sweepings from the ground).


How Can Tree Surgeons Help?

Tree surgeons can adjust their practices to adopt which are more environmentally friendly. One of the ways they can do this is by turning the ‘green waste’ they produce into fuel.


How Can Green Waste Be Fuel?

For trees to grow, they use carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon gets used in the tree’s structure during growth. It is locked up into the molecules that build the tissues of the plant, for example in cellulose. When the tree reaches felling age and becomes fuel, it re-releases its CO2 collected over the years into the atmosphere. This is then re-used again by other growing trees.

When fuel is from a sustainable source like wood, it is great for the production of something called biomass. This means that branches and logs are reduced to chippings, which are then used by power stations to generate electricity. Biomass is both clean and sustainable.

Of course, the whole process needs to have a low carbon footprint, otherwise, the whole process will be a waste of time. This means that the processes of felling, extracting, chipping, and transporting to end-users need to have low carbon footprints.


How Is Green Waste Turned into Chips?

This is a really simple process. Wood chips for power stations and small boilers must be a consistent size. The sizes can vary between 30 mm and 50 mm per chip. When burning wood chips in boilers, we also need to be mindful of the chips’ moisture content. For the boilers to be as efficient as possible, the wood chips must have a moisture content below 30%. To ‘dry out’ the wood, it is stacked up so that there is sufficient aeration.


How Does Chipping Happen?

A woodchipper or tree chipper reduces the wood to small chips. Chippers are usually portable and are mounted on frames with wheels that can be towed. Generally speaking, the power is provided by an internal-combustion engine. Usually these are between 3 and 1000 horsepower or 2.2 kW to 750 kW. Higher power chippers can be mounted on a truck with a separate engine. These usually have hydraulic cranes too.

A wood chipper usually consists of a collared hopper, a chipper mechanism and sometimes a chip collection bin. The collar helps keep unwanted items (like body parts!) away from the blades of the chipper. A tree branch is put into the hopper, goes through the chipping mechanism and the chips come out of a chute. The chips can be directed onto the floor or into a container or truck.


How Else Can Woodchips Be Used?

Aside from fuelling boilers and power stations, woodchips can be used to produce mulch for paths or gardens. For woodchips to be converted into mulch, they will be stored for a few months so that they compost. If you spread fresh mulch on gardens, it could have adverse effects on any plants growing there. This is because the bacteria that break the wood down uses nitrogen, which means this will be stripped from the soil. Allowing the wood chippings to compost before they are used to avoid this happening.


What About the Non-chippable Waste That Tree Surgery Produces?

Trimming hedges creates a huge amount of material that cannot be processed by chippers. Also, any materials that are swept up or raked can’t be chipped either because it will be contaminated with grit and soil, which can cause damage to the chipper blades. It is possible to shred non-chippable waste and this can also be used at some power stations as a biomass fuel.


What Further Work Can Tree Surgeons Do to Have a Positive Impact on The Environment?

As mentioned above, it is as important to have a low carbon footprint. Tree surgeons can process things in bulk to save energy and journeys. They can also look to sell the waste products like woodchip and mulch locally so that the carbon footprint is reduced in this way too.


What Does the Law Say with Regards to Tree Waste?

The law is quite strict regarding tree waste. In England and Wales, tree surgeons must register as a waste carrier (different rules apply to Northern Ireland and Scotland).

This rule applies if tree surgeons do any of the following:

transport their waste.dispose of or transport waste for another person.sell or buy waste.act as a broker for waste (arranging someone else to handle a person’s waste).


People who do not register can be fined up to £5000.

There are also different tiers of registration too. For example, a garden landscaper or tree surgeon who is carrying green shrubs or waste they have removed is classed as being in the lower tier while carrying away construction materials would be classed as being in the upper tier.

There are exceptions, however, with mulch for example. You are allowed to store and use up to 100 tons of mulch each month. You can also store or treat up to 500 tons of waste plant matter or wood every 7 days and can keep it for 3 months. There are other exemptions too.


Tree Surgery Waste – Final Thoughts

It is great to see that so many solutions are now available for tree surgery waste. Whether chipped for biomass fuel or used as mulch, tree surgery these days can help the environment. As long as tree surgeons abide by the laws and try to keep the whole process as carbon neutral as possible, there is no reason to worry about the environmental impact of the wastes they produce.


Article was written by Conner D.

Article Source: https://www.graftingardeners.co.uk/tree-surgery-waste/