Choosing the right tree pruning method for your tree

Choosing the right tree pruning method for your tree

Proper maintenance is essential if you want healthy and happy trees growing in your backyard. There are many tasks you can do throughout the year to ensure your trees continue to thrive. Pest control and fertilising the soil are two options. But one task that tends to get neglected by tree owners is pruning.

Tree pruning is essential for improving your tree’s structure and encouraging newer and healthier growth. What you probably didn’t know is that there are different types of tree pruning methods that can be used for your tree. Each method has its pros and cons and it’s up to you or a professional tree care expert to choose the right one.

But before we go into the different methods of tree pruning let’s clarify the definition. Tree pruning involves selectively removing branches from a tree. This removal of branches is usually done for one of two reasons; hazard reduction and maintenance. Ultimately, tree pruning is done to support the health of the tree while protecting you and your property from any potential damage.

Knowing what your tree needs is crucial for keeping it in healthy shape. Here we’ll cover the essentials when it comes to choosing the right tree pruning method for your tree. It may need a prune for maintenance or some hazardous branches that pose a safety risk. Whatever the reason, we’ll cover them here so you can make a more informed decision about tree pruning techniques.

The different types of tree pruning

Professional arborists and tree surgeons classify their tree pruning techniques and methods by where they are removing the tree’s branches from. The area of the tree where all the main branches grow into is called the crown. The area of the crown where branches are being removed from is what professionals use to define the different types of tree pruning techniques they are doing.

Crown lifting

For this method of tree pruning, the lower branches of the crown are removed. This is a common choice for tree care professionals looking to remove branches that may be obstructing paths or roads. The lower branches of a tree tend to be bigger. So removing them results in larger wounds which can have an adverse effect on the health of the tree. The lower branches usually play a crucial role in preventing a tree from swaying in high winds. Large tree wounds can also make your tree more vulnerable to pests.

Crown thinning

This tree pruning method involves removing branches from all over the crown. There is no particular area of the crown with a heavy focus here. This method aims to increase light penetration and air circulation throughout the tree’s crown. It is important to ensure that not too many branches are removed in this process. Small diameter branches should be the main focus. Removing too many large branches from the centre of the tree can also result in poor structure. Over time, if you only have long thin branches remaining, the tree’s swaying won’t be dampened and this can put extra stress on it during windy weather.

Crown reduction

For a crown reduction, the aim is to reduce the overall size of the tree’s crown. All branches are shortened to help reduce the growth point of the tree. This is a popular option when a tree care professional is trying to reduce the space a tree stands in. For example, if a tree is growing in the corner of a backyard, there’s only a small perimeter it has for growth before the branches start obtruding over the fence and into the neighbour’s yard where they shouldn’t be. A crown reduction can help alleviate this issue.

Clearance tree pruning

Clearance pruning is another great option for trees that are physically obstructing objects around them. In some cases, a tree’s branches may be growing too close to electrical wires and other house features like the gutter. Some branches may simply be growing over the fence. This pruning method involves only removing the branches responsible for obstructing or growing over certain objects around them.

Dead wooding

This tree pruning method involves removing weak branches that are dead, dying or diseased. These branches not only affect the appearance of the tree but also can pose significant risks to safety. If these weak branches remain, they can severely affect the health of the tree. By removing these branches you enable more light to come in through the crown of the tree and support the more healthy growth of newer branches that need it the most.

Formative tree pruning

In a tree’s early years it’s important to do whatever you can to encourage healthier growth in the future. Formative pruning is one of the best ways to do this. During this process, specific branches are removed to prevent structural defects and encourage a healthier and more structurally sound form. By taking care of this process during the early stages of tree development you can help eliminate the need to carry out other tree pruning tasks in the future.

Selective tree pruning

This process of tree pruning is usually done purely for aesthetics. Some branches can have a negative effect on the look of a tree. When a large branch grows out further than others it can throw off the shape and balance of the tree. Ask a professional tree arborist to do this for you, and they will ensure the process is done in a way that won’t diminish your tree’s overall health.

Weight reduction

Throughout a tree’s life, it can start to grow branches that are over-extended, or very end-heavy. When a branch becomes too heavy it can become a safety issue. Weight reduction tree pruning is usually down for lateral branches. Lateral branches are those which grow off the main trunk of the tree. A weight reduction tree prune will help improve the safety of your tree and reduce the risk of weak branches falling off it.

Making the right choice for your tree

Now that you know of the most common tree pruning techniques, it’s time to diagnose your tree. Can you spot any structural issues? Look out for warning signs like dying or lateral branches that have outgrown their welcome. If you’re not confident about diagnosing your tree’s issues then why not call in the experts?

Here at Daryl’s Tree Care, we have a team of qualified and experienced tree arborists that can diagnose any issues your tree may have. With careful consideration, they will choose the right tree pruning techniques for your tree. They understand how important it is that your tree continues to thrive without being a safety risk to your or your neighbours. So if you’re concerned about the safety of your tree then why not give us a call? Our tree care experts can inspect your tree and provide you with a quote.

Call our professional arborists today for a tree pruning quote on 9897 4418.

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How to know when a tree stump removal is necessary

How to know when a tree stump removal is necessary

Understanding the benefits of removing a tree stump

To some, a tree stump can be an eyesore. To others, it can be a safety hazard. Whatever you think about the tree stump in your backyard you’re probably wondering why it’s still there. The rest of the tree including the trunk and branches are generally easy to remove. Depending on the size, health and species of the tree, it can be very difficult to remove the stump. Some homeowners choose to leave the tree stump in due to the difficulty of removing it.

A tree stump could be in an awkward position such as the corner of the backyard where it’s right up against the fence. If this is the case it can be very challenging to remove the stump and its roots without damaging the fence in the process. Sometimes it’s more about the cost of removing a tree stump. The tree removal process can be cheaper when the removal of the stump isn’t included in the service fee.

So how do you know when a tree stump removal is necessary for your backyard? It can come down to your personal preferences for the way your backyard looks, pricing for tree removal, and the safety of your backyard. You have to weigh up the pros and cons for yourself when it comes to tree stump removal. To help you make the right decision, we’ll break down what the benefits and disadvantages are for keeping a tree stump or calling on a tree stump removal service.

The look of your garden

A tree stump on its own can become an instant eyesore in your backyard. Especially when it’s standing on its own in the middle of the lawn where everyone can see it. If your tree stump is in a dense, bushy area it may not be so obvious. One way to cover up your unsightly tree stump is to surround it with dense garden features like pot plants, shrubs, bushes, or features like a fountain or garden bench.

Another reason to be concerned with a tree stump is the effect it has on your property’s value. If you’re looking to sell your house then an unsightly tree stump is only going to hamper the look of it. Your backyard can look more unkempt with a tree stump in it. A front garden is often part of a prospective buyer’s first impression when they see a house. So when they spot an unsightly tree stump, it may give them the impression that the house hasn’t been maintained very well.

Causing a safety hazard in your backyard

Many parents appreciate the value of playtime for kids in the backyard. But safety should always be a top priority. As a parent, you want to rest assured that your kids have a backyard to play in that’s free from safety risks. Unfortunately, a tree stump can pose a significant threat to safety in your backyard. It’s easy for anyone to trip and stumble over the root or the tree stump itself.

A tree stump can also be a liability. Imagine a neighbour or local trips over a tree stump in your front yard. You could be deemed liable for the incident and may have to pay for a costly lawsuit if someone sustains injuries from tripping over your tree stump. All of this unnecessary stress can be avoided by simply organising a tree stump removal for your front yard.

pest control issue waiting to happen

One of the unfortunate issues with dead plants and trees is that they can attract pests. That’s why it’s so important to regularly prune the trees and plants in your backyard. When there’s less dead plant matter, there’s less food for pests and diseases. Unfortunately, dead tree stumps can instantly become a haven for garden pests and diseases.

Carpenter ants, termites, and other insects that feed on the wood are naturally drawn to dead tree stumps. Once these insects make a meal of your tree stump it’s only a matter of time until they make their way over to the healthier plants and trees in your backyard. Their presence in the backyard can also spell bad news for your home. As you’re probably already aware, insects like termites can make the jump from trees to the timber frames of your home.

So without ordering a tree stump removal, you could be putting the structure of your home at risk. If your home is prone to pests like termites and carpenter ants then it’s best to eliminate anything that might attract them in the first place.

Order a tree stump removal from Daryl’s Tree Care today

If you want to avoid all the risks associated with having a tree trunk in your backyard there’s a simple solution you can rely on. Call a tree stump removal expert today. Here at Daryl’s Tree Care, we have the right equipment for carrying out a fast and effective tree stump removal. Our experienced and skilled arborists understand the safest and most effective ways to remove a tree stump without putting the rest of your backyard in harm’s way. Contact us today to get a free quote on a tree stump removal for your backyard.

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How to get rid of elm leaf beetles

How to get rid of elm leaf beetles

Effective elm leaf beetle treatment options to consider

Over the warmer months of the year, there are all sorts of pests and creepy crawlies that come out to play in your backyard. Aside from gobbling up some of your favourite veggies, there isn’t too much you have to worry about when it comes to pests. Some are just a nuisance. But some insect and bug species can cause serious damage to your backyard if left unchecked.

Pests like citrus gall wasps can cause serious damage to all the citrus trees in your backyard before spreading into neighbouring backyards. There are many other invasive species that can cause damage to your trees. One species that’s been causing major issues with local backyards in Australia is elm leaf beetles. Ask your local arborist or tree care expert and they’ll tell you elm leaf beetles are one of the most common tree pests in Australia right now.

How to identify elm leaf beetles

Elm leaf beetles were originally native to Europe before they were introduced to countries like the United States and Australia. Today they are now a common pest for many elm tree species. So if you have an elm tree growing in your backyard it’s best to look out for signs of an elm leaf beetle infestation before it’s too late.

Identifying elm leaf beetles in your backyard can be easy when you know what signs to look for. When larvae (baby elm leaf beetles) start to hatch they begin feeding on leaves. They start off by chewing the underside of leaves. Usually, the only thing that’s left behind of the leaves is the veins. This gives the leaves a skeleton-like appearance. This is your first sign of an elm leaf infestation.

After young elm leaf beetles have gone through their initial feeding phase they go through a pupal phase. They remain dormant until they grow to full adult size. When they emerge as adults they move up the tree and leave circular holes in all the leaves. While leaf damage may not seem that costly, what it can do is jeopardise the health of the tree’s branches. Without healthy leaves attached, the branches of your tree become brittle, die off and can even fall off.

Elm leaf beetles rarely cause enough damage to kill a tree but they should still be cause for concern. The damage they cause can leave your tree susceptible to other pests which can quickly take over and kill your tree in the process. So when you see the first signs of an elm leaf beetle infestation it’s time to act before more pests damage your tree further.

How to prevent elm leaf beetles from coming in the first place

When you first notice the presence of elm leaf beetles it’s important to assess the condition of your tree first. Your elm tree needs to be healthier in order to withstand the effects of pests like elm leaf beetles. There are steps you can take like eliminating drought stress. This involves making sure that your tree is watered on during the dry seasons.

Another way to maximise tree health is to fertilise your elm tree in late winter. Doing this enables a slow release of nutrients. Eliminating dead tree limbs and suckers (new shoots) will help your tree to dedicate more of its energy towards growing a healthier trunk and branches throughout the year. So for an effective elm leaf beetle treatment don’t forget to look after the health of your trees throughout the year.

Effective treatments for elm leaf beetle

While it’s very difficult to completely eradicate elm beetles, there are effective methods for keeping them at bay and preventing further damage to your trees. The most effective treatments for elm leaf beetles usually involves chemical application. Purpose made chemical solutions can be injected into the trunk/stem of your tree or the soil at the roots of it.

Another chemical treatment that can be used to treat elm leaf beetles involves canopy spraying. This method is better utilised for smaller and younger trees during the end of winter and early spring. For treatments like these, it’s best to check in with your neighbour. It makes more sense to treat all trees that are within close proximity of each other. This approach can help to prevent elm leaf beetles jumping from one chemically treated tree to infest another.

There are also non-chemical treatments that some tree care specialists offer. One of these alternatives is called non-chemical control banding. This method works by trapping elm leaf beetle larvae that usually try and migrate down the tree trunk. Applying this banding will help to break the natural lifecycle of the elm beetle so they don’t continue to grow, breed, and invade your tree.

Call in the experts at Daryl’s tree care

One of the biggest challenges of eliminating elm leaf beetles is knowing what type of treatment to use. The type of tree you have, the time of year, and the surrounding environment can influence the decision you need to make. There are also the challenges of using elm leaf beetle treatments safely. Chemicals and equipment can be hazardous when not used correctly.

To safeguard yourself and others it’s best to call in the experts when it comes to elm leaf beetle prevention and treatment. Here at Daryl’s Tree Care, we offer a range of elm leaf beetle treatment options. Our arborists and tree care experts can visit your property and carry out a proper inspection of all the trees in your backyard. They can safely and efficiently identify the best elm leaf beetle treatments for your trees.

If you have any further questions about our elm leaf beetle treatment options then call us today on 9897 4418.

The post How to get rid of elm leaf beetles appeared first on Daryl’s Tree Care And Surgery.

What’s included in a tree removal cost?

What’s included in a tree removal cost?

The real costs of a tree removal service

Like any professional service, there are many factors that can influence the cost of a tree removal service. What you’re really paying for is the professionals, equipment, and time spent on a tree removal. These can be influenced by the type of tree you have and the size of it. There’s also the challenge of getting access to your backyard. It’s not always easy to get tree removal equipment in and out of a backyard. Sometimes more specialised equipment is required to reach your tree in the first place.

The condition of the tree itself is another thing to consider. A healthy tree can present all sorts of challenges such as strong, wide-spreading roots. One of the best ways to calculate your tree removal cost is to get a quote. Many tree removal services in Melbourne can provide you with a free quote. In order to do this, a professional tree care expert will first assess the condition of your tree. Only then can you get an accurate quote.

Here’s a full list of factors that can influence the cost of removing your tree:

Tree sizeTree locationYour home addressRelative location of buildings and utilities around the treeAccess to the tree with vehicles and equipmentThe slope of your blockEquipment and vehicles requiredWhether loose wood and debris is to be removedWhether a tree stump removal is required

Size matters

Here at Daryl’s Tree Care, we often use the size of the tree as an indicator of tree removal cost. First, we classify whether you have a small, medium, or large size tree. Your utility companies will also need to be called or a service like dial-before-you-dig to ensure there are no plumbing lines or electrical concerns. All of these costs can vary so much depending on things such as pest infestation, storm damage, and proximity to plumbing/power.

MinMaxSmall tree removal (30 feet max)$125$500Medium tree removal (60 feet max)$200$1000Large tree removal (over 60 feet)$400$2000

Tree location

The location of your tree can also have a big influence on tree removal cost. Your tree could be placed near something that makes it difficult to access with equipment. If your tree is placed near power lines, extra safety precautions need to be taken. The same can be said for trees that are growing near gas or water pipes.

Your tree may also be in a tight position such as the corner of a backyard or right next to your home. Both of these positions carry a serious risk of damage to structures such as your home’s roof or the fence. Extra safety precautions and equipment are often essential for these types of tree removal services.

Your tree’s condition

The condition of your tree can also make a tree removal service more complicated. In some cases, it can be more expensive to take down a healthy tree that’s thriving. Healthier trees are stronger and usually have more established roots underground. With thicker and stronger roots, it can be harder to carry out a full stump removal. Healthy tree wood is generally more solid and harder to cut through.

By contrast, an unhealthy tree that’s dying may be easier to remove. Dying trees often have more brittle and weak structures. This quality can make them easier to take down and remove their stumps from the ground. One thing to note is that they can pose more of a safety risk. If a tree is at risk of collapsing then extra safety precautions may need to be taken. This can also result in more safety equipment and staff on site.

Call Daryl’s Tree Care for a quote

Still, not sure about a tree removal cost for your backyard? Here at Daryl’s Tree Care, we can provide you with an accurate quote on tree removal. The first thing our tree care specialists will need to do is look at the trees on your property. They need to assess the condition, size and access requirement for your tree/s. Once this is done we can provide you with a quote on tree removal cost.

The post What’s included in a tree removal cost? appeared first on Daryl’s Tree Care And Surgery.